
Welcome to my website. This website holds all projects made by me. It also offers the most up to date information about me & many other things too! Take a look around.

Here is a table which gives you information about the current pages on this website.

Page The use of the page
Home A page where we announce any changes to the website.
About A page talking about us; who we are, what we do...
Privacy policy A page talking about the data we collect from our users.
Projects A page in which I showcase about my projects.

All of these pages have more information inside them.


23. 12. 2023. - Manifesto has been updated.

6. 12. 2022. - New line in About.

29. 6. 2022. - New project added.

30. 4. 2022. - The website is finished and is ready for use.

26. 4. 2022. - We are in the process of building the website